First Rejection Bliss

Feelin good right now..

I got my first rejection letter from a publisher about my book. This is GREAT news because every big name author says they got rejected countless times before they got the deal that cemented their career as an author.

I had been doing research trying to submit my book proposal by myself but most publishers say that you need an agent so I had been looking for an agent in Miami as well.

The good news is my good friend’s Dad has his own publishing company but he wants to see the finished product before he can decide if he wants to offer me a publishing deal. The bigger companies only want to see a proposal and a few sample chapters, but I’m just gonna keep focused, keep writing and expect the best.

I’m feeling good. I got my first rejection. Maybe I’ll only get a few more before I get my deal.

In the meantime, I’m preparing my focus group to read and critique my book. I offered members of my yahoo group the chance to participate and I’m going to use my classmates at school.

The plan is to release my book within the next few months as an eBook on Amazon and see how sales go. If I don’t have a committed publisher before then, the eBook sales should convince them to offer me a print deal.

I can’t believe that I’m sitting here writing about getting my first publishing deal. I always wondered what kind of writing I did best, and I think I’ve found it. It’s funny cuz…blogging and doing the articles on Embrace Your Fantasy really prepared me for writing this book.

I really hope you guys like it. It’s a guaranteed pick me up!

I’m so happy!