I cried in class again today. My social/cultural class is all about exposing the hidden bias that we all have and really dealing with those issues before we are presented with clients who may trigger an unprofessional reaction. We watched a movie called The Color of Fear. You can catch the clip above.I’m learning that I am so sad for my race we have so many issues to work through and those issues are triggered by our skin tone. I have my own issues to work through even though I’m considered to be the cream of the crop of my race according to the light skin dark skin issue. But fuck it…why do I feel guilty about looking the way I look? Why do I feel like I have to apologize for being light skinned? Why are we always looking for approval from white people? Who made white people the standard from which we all measure ourselves?I don’t know why I’m taking these classes. They hurt too much. They make me examine myself in a public forum. I am already introspective but, this shit is too much.