Now I know I said I liked working at Denny’s. The crew is cool and it’s nice to have cash in your pocket, even if it’s all 1’s. And I like talking to the homeless people and waiting on tables…
Unless ofcourse those tables are filled with KIDS.
Dayumm…When we see kids walk in the door we all roll our eyes. They are always loud, obnoxious and rude. As soon as you walk up the table they start shouting their orders at you.
I have to take control of the situation and raise my voice a little and say, “We’re going to organize this so there won’t be any problems, ladies (or gentlemen). Each of you will have a number and we’ll start with you #1, what would you like to drink?”
I feel like a teacher. ~sigh~
Nah…But a lot of the college students are nice. One guy was out with his female friend and he didn’t eat, but she ordered a dessert which I made for her lovingly. So she didn’t leave a tip because her bill was only 3.67, but before they left, he handed me a $5.
I appreciated that.
I really appreciate all of the people who I serve who give me good tips. That makes me feel proud and makes me work even harder to be sweet and give good service.
I sometimes sit and think and then wonder why God made me the way I am.
I feel like God blessed me so much that it had to be a purpose behind him making me so wonderfully. I think He would want me to use those gifts to show what He can do. That’s what I’m trying to do.
The looks, the voice, the laugh, the personality, the intellect, the drive, the talent, the transparency- man- all of those were gifts to me from God put together in a package for a purpose. God made me to do something with everything He has given me.
I’m not going to dissappoint.
You never know who you’re gonna be next lifetime.