This is a monumental moment for me.
This is the day I have been preparing for, for YEARS.
Today is the day that I take my life back and stop yearning for guidance from others.
It came in the form of a simple email. A friend suggested that I read a book called, ‘If You Meet The Buddha On The Road, Kill Him!’ by Sheldon Kopp.
After researching the book and reading the various interpretations of its meaning I realized exactly why this title came along at this point in my life.
You’ve read my stories over the years. You’ve watched as I yearned for guidance toward my dream by clumsily going after them unaware of what to do and if I was doing it right. In my quest for guidance I reached out to many people, counselors, celebrities, successful men and women who I felt would best be able to tell me how to use my gifts to prosper.
Recently, I had a big decision to make. I consulted my friends for their opinions but afterwards I realized that I don’t ever really follow their advice, I still do what I want to do. Things ALWAYS work out for my benefit when I do that even when I get nervous because everyone is telling me I’m wrong and I’m not going to benefit unless I do as they teach.
After I made my big decision- ON MY OWN- I felt a sense of relief. For the first time in a while, I felt peace in my heart and I knew that no matter the outcome, I would and could stand tall because I made this decision myself. I have no one to answer to or blame but ME.
Killing the Buddha, in my most recent revelation, means to STOP seeking the answers to your life questions from anyone outside of yourself. We run from him to her, to him and weigh out their perspectives trying to figure out which one to take on as our own.
We are all seeking Buddha, in a symbolic sense, when we yearn to be led by someone else toward our most treasured dreams but Buddha is not physical. Buddha is inside of us. We are the physical manifestation of Buddha so if anyone shows up CLAIMING to lead you the right way, you should kill them (in theory) and not follow them because no one is more of an authority on your life than you are.
You know the way.
You have the answers.
You are equipped with the right thing to do for YOU. It doesn’t have to match up with the right thing for someone else.
Trust yourself and yourself alone.
But this is a difficult concept to grasp because we have become a human race of followers raised by a society who thrives on keeping people dumb and enslaved by their confusion about life. Shackled by their pursuit of success which was defined for them by others.
What do you need to do with your life?
What should you do next?
Did I make the right decision?
Only YOU can answer that. No psychic or pastor or spiritual guru can give you a definitive answer.
YOU have the answer.
And you know JUST what to do.
Now go do it, and embrace your faith, in yourself. Awaken your inner power. It’s been there all along. Wake up. Walk into it.
You can do it.
So the wiisdom of my three year old is correct? He will be glad to know he is the master of his fate. But should I really let him drive?
Interesting. I wonder the same thing when it comes to my sons. Their father is the type of parent who enforces rules and makes them do what HE thinks they will enjoy, and most times even when they resist at first, they are happy he did that. I am the type of parent who explained to my sons, "Life is like going into a restaurant. You order what you want from life by your choices. I can't decide what you want, only you will. You can't blame anyone for what you get but YOU. You can't be mad at me later."
They understood. So I'm trying to train them to make decisions that will lead them to prosper, but how can I do that when i am not the authority on their life? Girl, all you can do is try your best to show him love and comfort while he is with you. He needs to feel safe. If he doesn't, he'll go through life feeling like everyone is attacking him and being defensive and walking away from opportunities and love….like I did.
You are the PERFECT parent for him. You are doing just fine.