If youre sitting there in a situation that you can not see how God will work things out, and youre trusting Him but you just want to know what He is going to do, be patient let me testify that God will make a way.
Back when I was pregnant with my first son I was in a difficult situation. I had no car, no job, no money and my relationshop with his father had just ended. I was living off of my savings and all of that money was almost gone. I had just gotten saved and I knew that if I trusted Him, He would come through but I just couldnt see how He could make it happen beause everyone I knew was broke and I had no means of supporting myself.
I thought I would be forced to go live at home and quit school because I didnt see any other way, but God had a different plan.
One Friday night I was waiting for my ride to Bible study and I thought to myself, “If I had $1,200 I could pay my bills until the summer and then try to get back in school so i could get financial aid.” This thought was crazy to me since my bank account was on E so i shrugged it off and went to Bible study.
While we were there we talked about being hopeless and wanting to quit. I shared my heart about how hard it had been since I came to Christ and the sisters there listened and sympathized. I didnt tell them about my financial situation but I told them that I knew I wouldnt give up.
After Bible study I was out in the parking lot when a sister came up to me and said, “God laid it on my heart that you need some money. How much do you need?” I rejoiced and said, “Girl, if you have $288 it could pay my portion of my rent for the next month and I would be so happy.”
She leaned close to me and said, “How about $1,000? Will that make a difference?” I fell on the ground crying and thanking God, telling Him that I was not worthy to be taken care of so well.
Before i could even get up, another sister came over to me and pressed a folded piece of paper in my hand. I opened it up and it was a check for $200!
I fell out again and praised God. I had not even told anyone about my financial struggle but God had placed it in these women’s hearts and provided for me. Exactly what I needed, right on time!
Another time during this rough patch when I was pregnant and alone, I was going for days without eating real food because I had no money. I didnt want to tell anyone because I didnt want people to feel sorry for me. So one night, I was home on the phone telling my friend that I was expecting a miracle.
There came a knock at the door and I went to answer it and standing there were two of my sorority sisters with bags and bags full of groceries.
Atlhough my life seemed to be falling apart since I came to Christ, God proved that He was real in my life and He would take care of things. I seemed to be losing everything that I had once held dear, but God was stripping me of those things because He wanted to replace them with the people and hopes that He had for me. I felt like I was losing out, but really I was gaining.
Back then I couldnt see, but now I understand. God will shake your life loose and miraculously bring it back together in His will.
See, even when we think we dont deserve it, God is there. Even when we can’t see how, God is there. If you are considering Him in all of your decisions and plans for the future, God will make a way.
Right now I dont see how God will change my situation. I can see what I want to happen but it will take a miracle to bring it to pass. So, I’m believeing God for a miracle because I know He has done it before.
If God has moved in your life in a an extraordinary way, dont forget about it. Write it down and post it somewhere so that you will be reminded of His faithfulness. Just as He has taken care of you in the past, He will do the same in your future if you are diligently seeking Him.
Be blessed and be at peace. He has got you covered.