Millenium Mommy

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I’m on the net looking at pictures of the new hurricane when my sons come rushing in.

“Mmmmm! Mama, what is it? That smells delicious!” my 5 year old squeals.

I beam with pride.

“I’m ready to eat!” my 3 year old announces. I smile down at him and stand up. We all walk to the kitchen where the source of the magnificent aroma; a nearly ready lasagna is wafting through the apartment.

“Mmmmmm! It smells good!” my 5 year old says, his eyes growing wider.

I give them both a BIG Kool-Aid Smile.

“Go back in your room until it’s done. I’ll let you know.” I sing as they run off around the corner.

Yep. A woman like myself takes damn good care of her boys. A hot nutritious meal after a hard days work.

Millenium Mommy!!!!

I turn around and bend down to peer into the tiny window of the microwave.

Only 5 minutes left.

Damn… I’m such a good cook.