Without the Make Up
Sometimes I get nervous because I’m not the most rigid Christian, quoting scriptures and trying to lay a guilt trip on people so that they will serve Christ. I don’t have a church home (yet) and I’ve never even served on the usher board.
I know that society will not look at me as a MODEL of Christianity. But honestly, I am not interested in presenting a certain image. I am more interested in defining my own relationship with God and learning to be happy with the woman He made.
This sometimes scares me because I believe that most people need structure and guidelines to go by in order to gauge their success and satisfaction in life. Sadly, when they follow all the rules people have set before them they still feel empty inside.
Somehow I am led to create my own guidelines in my relationship with God. I leave all of their expectations on the outside of my door.
It scares me to have these kind of thoughts because it would be so much easier, like it was at my old church, to let someone else tell me what I should think and how I should act in order to please God. It’s easier to follow the crowd.
Being your own person takes a special kind of strength.I’m nervous, but I know I have that. I’m defining my own path and raising my sons to love God, appreciate others and be a blessing to each other. I’m not against anyone loving God how they want to love Him. I won’t condemn you because you don’t believe what I believe. I’d rather love you like God does.
I won’t apologize for how I live and how I relate to God. I won’t allow anyone to try to make me feel like I’m not doing enough or being “Christian” enough.
I am me.
Plain and beautifully.
And I know God appreciates the plain face without all the makeup.