Random Chatter
ptygrneyez: i cant take it anymore!
ptygrneyez: can me and the boys come love with u?!!
c316: lol
ptygrneyez: lol
c316: i’m not your mama!
ptygrneyez: lol
c316: yeah, walk it off! my PE coach would always yell that at us no matter what
ptygrneyez: lol
c316: even if your leg was cramping or your ankle was broken, you’d better finish that race
ptygrneyez: lol
ptygrneyez: hell yeah
ptygrneyez: thats gonna be my new motto
ptygrneyez: WALK IT OFF!
c316: lol. i hated that teacher!
c316: he was ridiculous
ptygrneyez: lol
c316: so insensitive, but hey it worked
c316: soooo…anyway what’s up?
ptygrneyez: im looking for another job
ptygrneyez: signed up with a temp agency
c316: wow. you quit?
ptygrneyez: not yet
ptygrneyez: im hoping to
ptygrneyez: girl each day im there i feel like im being stabbed over and ovr again in my heart
c316: ? not the pr thing?
ptygrneyez: yeah
ptygrneyez: i need a HUG
ptygrneyez: and dont gimme a SMILEY AGAIN!
ptygrneyez: lol
c316: aw.
c316: LOL
c316: is that the real reason why you don’t want to work there? dang it feels like you just started…
ptygrneyez: i did just start
ptygrneyez: on Feb 13
ptygrneyez: 2 months ago
c316: man, that won’t look good on a resume
ptygrneyez: why not?
ptygrneyez: im just trying to find my place in the world
ptygrneyez: honestly it shouldnt go on the resume
ptygrneyez: i dont want to do any of those things again
ptygrneyez: anyway
c316: that looks like a red flag. like you can’t hold a job or something. you’ll have to explain the time anyway
ptygrneyez: i dont mind
ptygrneyez: im a good interview
ptygrneyez: anyway
ptygrneyez: im not looking for a career JOB
ptygrneyez: i wont be happy at ANY job
ptygrneyez: just something i can tolerate
ptygrneyez: and be successful at
ptygrneyez: like my old job
c316: oh great
ptygrneyez: but the problem i have is
ptygrneyez: not wanting to schmooze
ptygrneyez: and hang with my co workers
ptygrneyez: puts a damper on the work relationships
c316: ah. i used to be against chatting and hanging out
c316: but now i think if you do it right, it can be cool
c316: now office romances, on the other hand are still too problematic in my opinion
ptygrneyez: lol
ptygrneyez: so u have HAD one?
c316: ahhh. no. i had a crush
c316: i’m glad it stayed that way!
c316: we were cool
c316: you don’t want to even see and ex let alone work with them
c316: …so i’ve heard
ptygrneyez: lol
c316: anyway the guys here are too young for me
ptygrneyez: lol
ptygrneyez: i hope u meet someone
ptygrneyez: i dont think God would give u the desire
c316: lol. true!
ptygrneyez: if it wasnt meant for u
c316: i’m not sweatin it. i’m so much more productive now, anyway
c316: not checking myspace every 2 seconds…
c316: not just sitting around the house sighing…
ptygrneyez: lol
ptygrneyez: have things changed between u two?
c316: not spending hours getting ready every morning, just in case
ptygrneyez: lol
ptygrneyez: u should do thaT ANYWAY!
c316: i guess
c316: ha!
ptygrneyez: everyday u should look yr BEST!
ptygrneyez: cuz u never know!
c316: that’s how long it takes!
c316: i’ve never done so much plucking and shaving and exfoliating in my life
ptygrneyez: lol
c316: don’t even talk about moisturizing
c316: some people don’t have it as easy
ptygrneyez: lol
c316: hey chica, i have to finish this bit of work up
ptygrneyez: ok chick
c316: good luck with your dream job.
ptygrneyez: lol
ptygrneyez: ohhh
c316: if you’re not careful, you’ll run through them like men! ptygrneyez: if it dont feel right
ptygrneyez: i have to move on
ptygrneyez: same with each job
c316: lol
c316: maybe date a little more before committing???
ptygrneyez: date?
ptygrneyez: what is that?
ptygrneyez: commit? what is that?
ptygrneyez: maybe i shouldnt let men come over
c316: getting to know…nevermind!
ptygrneyez: that would help
c316: hmmm…i’ll assume that was rhetorical
c316: yup
c316: have you ever played that slap game where you hold out your hands and see if the other person can slap your hand before you can pull away?
ptygrneyez: yeah!
c316: well in this whole relationship thing i’m trying not to see it like that
ptygrneyez: huh
c316: like there’s only the choice between hurting or being hurt
ptygrneyez: damn
ptygrneyez: im shivering
ptygrneyez: damn
c316: lol
ptygrneyez: tell me u made that up
ptygrneyez: so i can poretent like i made it up
c316: lol
c316: that’s my mind talking…
ptygrneyez: ok, good, now its mine
c316: lol
c316: tell me there’s another way to look at this game!
ptygrneyez: lol
c316: oh great….
c316: i always tried to be the one to pull my hand out real quick. i was never good at getting people
c316: dang
ptygrneyez: lol
ptygrneyez: sometimes i liked to get hit
ptygrneyez: just to end the game
ptygrneyez: cuz it bored me
c316: true
c316: oh dear.