Today is 1.11.11
Kinda cool huh? A day like this won’t happen again…until, 11.11.11. Right….
But today was a cool day. I took it easy. My internship starts tomorrow and I’m trying to relax my mind about things and take it as it comes. I would really need to get a new car but it’ll happen when it happens.
I started reading about A Course In Miracles today and it amazed me. The ideas it presents actually cleared some things up for me and reminded me of my ex B’s rants the other day. He kept repeating, “Nothing matters. Everything is perfect.”
Sounded kinda silly but now I understand him exactly.
Let’s do some updates on my friends.
My sister is about to get her AA degree. Her daughter is now 4 months old and too cute!
My brother is in school and doing well.
My bestfriend Tamara is stuck in the snowstorm in Atlanta right now but she’s in good company. She sent me some pics from her phone. She seems a little agitated by the weather.
My other bestfriend Anna is going through the motions with her hubby. I sense some changes about to happen. She seems to have had an awakening recently where she realizes, “I’ll get what I want or nothing else.”
I agree!
Kim is pregnant with her second daughter and her first is only 9 months old! What a way to keep the family going. She is so happy and excited about her next daughter and I am so proud of her.
I’m actually learning the character of a few people I interact with, some are pleasantly surprising while others are disappointing. It’s sad to see people you thought you should admire, fall off their pedestal. That’s why no one should be put on a pedestal in the first place, I mean everyone smells funny after they take a jog so no one is really different.
I’m managing my emotions with meditation. I made this meditation good vibe video and when I watch it I feel great.
Yeah so all in all today was a good day. My psychic friend predicted that today would be a life changing day for me, so far, on the surface I can’t see what has happened but you never know what is being cooked up behind the scenes.
I’m nervous but I hope they are all good things.