You Should Let Me Love You

You ever want to do something nice for someone but hold back because you don’t want to seem too nice? LOL!

Sounds weird? Yeah, it feels weird. But I do that all the time.

If it were a perfect world, I would spend all my money doing nice things for people. Like, if I knew that you loved roses, I’d send you some, just to see you smile. I love to make people smile. I feel weird admitting that in a world where you have to be tough or you’ll be trampled. I feel like one of my strengths and my weaknesses is the fact that I’m nice.

People don’t really like nice people all the time. For some reason I get these little annoyed looks from people when I’m happy. Crazy huh? I know my personality is VIBRANT and I’m always trying to uplift those around me which sometimes translates into ass kissing.

~sigh~ I hold back so much. I just wanna be free to do some really nice stuff. And I have all kinds of ideas. But I don’t do them because I don’t want to seem like I’m trying too hard. But I’m not really trying, it’s just in me.

I don’t have much but honestly~ oh lord, look at ol sensitive Tee about to start crying~ I just want to make your day better. Somehow in my own little weird way, I just set out to let every person I know KNOW that they are special. Sounds dumb huh? Why do I feel like I have to hide the fact that I LIKE people and I want to see everyone prosper.

~shakes head~

Look, I’m not some sort of weirdo, well, maybe I am, and I’m not some needy individual who yearns for friends (I have plenty) Dammit, I can’t help it, I love spreading love.

I just want to show love.

I want to BE love.

I want to help heal others while searching for the same myself.

I want to be the one to tell you YOU ARE THE SHIT.

I want to hug you when you need a hug.

I want to show you the way to Christ.

I want to stop rambling before you all think I’m a nut.

Ol Sensitive Tee, going on and on about how she wants to love the whole world.

Well I do!

In the meantime. Whether you think I’m a sissy or not, I can’t change who I am.

I’m a silly billy goo goo, girly girl. Who likes oodles of hugs and kisses and butterflies and pink tennis shoes.

I want to be nice to you.

Stop being mean and accept it.