We Are Not Saviors

Last week in my Substance Abuse Treatment class I paid very close attention. Since last semester I met a girl who told me she had a drug problem, I was excited to learn how to help her stop doing drugs. to my surprise my professor made her point well known that WE ARE NOT SAVIORS.
We should not ever think that our job is to get people to stop using drugs. They use drugs because they want to and it is not our obligation to educate them on what the drugs are doing to their bodies or their lives because they already know.
I was like WHAT?!!!!!
She continued to say that our purpose as therapists is to work on the other areas of their life that they are concerned with and to help them shift their focus to improving those areas.
I mean damn…how often do I take it as my OBLIGATION to help everyone around me improve their lives and lifestyles whether they want to improve or not. Don’t have a drivers license? I’m taking you to take the test. Don’t know what to do with your life? I’m helping you figure it out and holding your hand until you do.
I made it my OBLIGATION to ensure the well being of others, often to my own detriment. I learned this summer that most people look out for THEMSELVES FIRST. I never used to do that. Hey…you can have my last piece of cake. Hey…you can get the good seat and I’ll take the backseat. Enjoy your life and I’ll celebrate with you..hoping I get a chance..but if not, it’s okay…I’ll just be happy watching you be happy.
Walking those miles…catching those cabs….watching people eat while I was hungry…Offering help when help wasn’t offered to me… Watching people speak barely two words to me since I couldn’t help them anymore….man It taught me a lot.
My obligation is to me.
I can say No.
I don’t have to feel bad. I dont have to hold anyone’s hand anymore.
Just like I had to figure it out…they will too..if they want to. If not..that’s on them.
I am no one’s savior.
I have to save myself first…
And I’m getting there….