Southern Hospitality?

This morning I went to the Jiffy Lube to get my oil checked. The brown skinned mechanic with 3 gold teeth greeted me before I even turned off my car.

“Goodmorning, how many I help you today?”

“Do you do oil changes?”

He smiled. “We sure do.”

The next 20 minutes of my life were the most pleasant 20 minutes I have ever spent in a car shop. Before I could even get comfy I was being educated on the various parts of my car that need maintenance and informed that my car was in tip top shape.

By the time I paid I was on cloud nine. These were actual MEN being..~gulp~ nice to me? Was I dreaming?

After I paid, with a discount included I gathered my reading materials and purse. Before I could even wave goodbye a gentleman appeared to open the door for me. “Have a great day,” he said warmly as I exited the building.

“Thank you,” I replied, puzzled. “You make me feel like a star.”

“You ARE a star,” he told me.

As I approached my car, yet another gentleman stood there proudly holding my door for me.

I gave him a sideways glance and raised my eyebrow.

“Thank you for stopping by,” he said and closed my door.


I don’t understand.

I drove away in confusion.

Why are the people here so nice?

Last Friday night Byron took me to this club called Vegas Nights and I almost fell out!

The men who approached me had a totally different flow than the men in Miami.

“Excuse me Miss. I’m Jason. May I have a minute of your time? What’s your name?”

One man bumped into me and quickly apologized, “No disrespect Shawty, I don’t mean to invade your space.” He just walked away. And I was told that this was supposed to be a ‘hood’ club. Huh?

Ok. Shoot me if I seem to be a bit naiive but I’m not used to men being nice to me like that. It’s kinda scary. Why are they acting like that? What do they want?

I am not used to all this friendliness, smiles and chivalry.


It’s scaring me….