Searching For Home


I got my job offer today.

I’m going to be the new Internet Marketing Manager for a certain website that is quite well known. The position seems to be a perfect fit for the combination of my passions. I love the internet. I love websites. I love writing. I love being creative. I get to develop marketing materials and write stories and learn how to promote and manage a website that has over half a million registered users.

We’re gonna kick Black.Voice’s ASS! Remember how that dude wouldn’t give me a chance to write for them talking about, “We don’t entertain unknown writers.”

humph! I was like, “Do you know who I AM?”

Ok, lemme calm down.

I’m kinda excited but not really because…I moved here with the peace that I was going to be offered this job. It’s not like the offer was a surprise… LOL!

But also…the wear and tear of constantly starting over is getting to me.

You know I’m grateful for the opportunity to travel and grow I just..I’d like to have a home again. I mean…I’d like to have some consistency. I’d like to thrive and show what I can do at a company that appreciates and values my talent. I hope this is it!

And…I don’t want to date anyone unless he’s the one for me but…I’d like to make friends.

I want an address. My own address.

I want to walk to the mailbox and get mail for me.

God, if this is the city for me, please let me make some friends. If this is the city for me, please let this new work environment be supportive and embracing. If this is the city for me, please let me meet a nice man who won’t be afraid of the promise of God over my life and who will see how my vision can enhance his life and love me more because of my ambition.

And…if this isn’t the city for me, at least send good people in my path so that I can bless them with my friendship. And allow me more trips home to see my boys so I won’t continue to feel lonely all the time.

Please take care of my boys and help them to understand why Mommy is away. She’s building her dream and setting the stage for them to accomplish theirs.

Thanks for bringing me this far. I won’t doubt you. You’ve done it before and I know you can do it AGAIN! You are a miracle worker! I will trust that you will take me the rest of the way until I reach…HOME.