I Don’t Understand

Everybody’s in fucking love these days.

Last night and then this morning all I’m hearing when I answer the phone is…

“Oh my gosh. Tee. I love him so much! He treats me so good. Tee. Seriously, I’ve never been in anything like this before. It’s like..when I look at him and he looks at me and I just know he thinks the world of me and we just hold each other and it’s so wonderful. I love him so much…”

~rolls eyes~

WHat the hell ever!

I feel like I’m torturing myself because I LOVE hearing stories like this but at the same time they make me dizzy.

What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I like anyone? I don’t understand. When I look at guys I’m like, ewww….

So I think, maybe I’m a lesbian..but then no woman impresses me either. So then I don’t get it.

I don’t get it.

The people that I speak to on a daily basis, my sister Teenie, Tamara, Kim & Ruby are ALL in fucking love right now…

I have to hear about that shit everyday…

Every day…

I want to be jealous but I can’t be because they’re my friends and I am so glad they’re happy. It’s just…I don’t understand…

I don’t understand…