Are You Ready?

Quick as a flash I called my Mama to explain it to me- Why are the protesters protesting?

They’re protesting because they live in debt and poverty and are taxed more than the wealthy even though a simple tax increase on the wealthy could help to fund more programs which could help the lower class to live better. The wealthy have the power to help stabilize the country but won’t do it creating an even bigger chasm between the upper class and the lower class completely eradicating the middle class in an attempt to retain power over future decisions.

I mean, she didn’t say it EXACTLY like that, but that’s how I saw it after our conversation.

So now I get it. Which is interesting because I have read so much and had so many conversations about the protests that I was frustrated because I was STILL not sure what was going on. Now I’ll do a quick article to explain what their point of view is and I have to decide whether or not I agree that protesting is the best course of action.

See, I’m not a fan of criticizing for the sake of criticizing, unless I have a specific plan of action to suggest, I will remain silent. But believe it, when I do speak, I already know what I want to happen.

My Mama and I continued to discuss the state of the world’s economy and possible predictions that the world will see a world war by 2012. This brought me to tears because I can’t fight, I don’t own a gun and I just want peace and love man. I have no one to care to protect me. If we become a state of war like in the movies and stuff, I’ll be out of luck.

So I sent a text to my baby daddy letting him know about the predictions of war and telling him to leave the country with the boys. I can’t leave. When he put me on child support, he asked for back pay and they won’t allow me to have a passport until I pay all that money back.

It doesn’t matter. If we happen to dive into a chaos system, I’ll just have to wing it alone. I’m not afraid of getting dirty yet, I don’t know. Maybe this year I will learn how to use a gun and survival skills so that when I’m in the war zone, I’ll last more than a few hours.

Or maybe I could help change things before they get worse. I don’t know how but I think that anyone can make a change. It just takes one person and it doesn’t hurt to try.

But what can I do?


I don’t get it.

Lately I’ve let go of the whole “I need you to be what I want you to be” attitude and I don’t get angry at anyone for not being what I wish they would be in my life so, I don’t understand why this man, the Older Man, keeps showing up whenever I need him.

It’s so hard for me to ask for help. I hate it. I feel less than. I feel really low. But he always helps and doesn’t make me feel badly.

I’ve been my real self. I’ve been the bratty Tee, the overwhelming Tee, the confused Tee, the scared Tee, the sweet Tea and even the angry Tee but none of that seems to phase him. I keep waiting for him to show annoyance or frustration. He must be a really good actor.

I’m an expert at sabotaging relationships- at least I thought I was.

Maybe I’m losing my powers somehow.

It’s truly scaring me.

Wake Up

After teaching my son about the ways that those funny pictures are made, you know, the ones that float around the internet and make you laugh, I was inspired to create one of my own.

After I went to work and left work all within 10 minutes last night due to a ghost who adjusted my schedule and didn’t bother to call me and tell me- lol- I swear, people think I’m stupid but I’m just- I just don’t care that much because this shit is so temporary so I don’t make a fuss.

Anyway, after I left work last night I made this

And it now makes sense, you know, the flood, Noah’s Ark and all that. This world could use a cleansing or an awakening because I have never met so many dead people walking in my life and it makes me want to cry.

Like A Machine

And here i sit, cross legged on my bed, drinking a kiwi strawberry Snapple writing and making phone calls to various women I want to introduce myself to around the country.

I do not choke up when I call them- senators, opinion leaders, business women. I feel like I am one of them and I introduce myself politely and tell them who I am and what my mission is and invite them to be profiled on my site.

After I hang up I feel empowered and hopeful and a little scared because I don’t know what I’m doing. All the BS I go through on a day to day basis not feeling safe in this world yet I still somehow try to make a difference, I don’t know how I do it or sometimes even WHY I do it.

My faith in the good of humanity is diminishing with each interaction with people. Is it my environment? Is it ME?

I’m wondering all these things yet my bubble burst completely when I did that project and I STILL continue to do the work I started. How? It’s like it’s its own machine- the work moves ME.

What A Blessing

I had such an awesome night at work!

It was a little bit more work than I’ve been used to for the past month but my apron was stacked so I can’t complain.

I feel good.

One of my customers made me cry. I don’t know what it is but- they were a couple and they were making a to-go order and I took their order and got it ready and I don’t know what happened but, when they came to pay the bill the woman said, “Tee, you’re a blessing.”

I looked at her confused and she repeated herself, “You’re a blessing.” Then she handed me a FAT ASS TIP! I started crying because this is not my career path yet, people tell me all the time they they are blessed to meet me.

It’s not like I sit down with them at their table and share my life story or even say ANYTHINg about my project or the work I do for women. I don’t tell them about that at all yet- they STILL tip me well and tell me how much they appreciate meeting me.

It was like that at my last restaurant too, and the one before that. And I’m not perfect. I’m not the best server I know. I won’t do this for the rest of my life so I don’t try to be the greatest or compete with anyone yet, these people bless me so much.

Maybe it’s just what my friend said the other day. She said I needed my blessings to come in this way because I have no one in my life to help me.

Maybe that’s it. Well, I’m not sure if I believe in God anymore. I mean, it doesn’t HURT to believe in God, but I think of God as a SHE now, anyway, it doesn’t hurt so I’ll believe and I am grateful for HER because whoever is whispering in these people’s ears and telling them to bless me is alright with me.

Keep Moving


Not even 2 hours after I finally fell asleep this morning, my phone rings and it’s Ruby. I’m in the middle of a weird dream where I’m match making a group of people on a stage. Weird.

Anyway. I don’t answer because I’m so tired but then the doorbell rings and it’s the FIRST poolman they hired saying he left some equipment here. I’m like, “So?”

Of course I couldn’t go back to sleep after that so I wash my face and call Ruby back. We engage in a lively discussion about how the opportunities to make something of yourself abound in this country for those who decide they want something better.

“I’m getting my mop done,” she tells me. “I’m going to visit my old job in Memphis tomorrow.”

I laugh as I remember how when I first met her, we stood talking outside of the J (journalism) school in undergrad and she was looking so jazzy and I complimented her and she said, “Girl, I’m going to pick up my last paycheck because I got fired from my job, but, you never let them see you sweat.”

I have a lot of respect for Ruby. We go through our ups and downs but as we evolve it’s becoming apparent that we respect each other’s decision making for life choices so it’s always an encouragement to speak with her. She has truly created the life that she always wanted, a far upswing from how much we celebrated her first job out of college where she earned $27,000 a year.

“Dude,” I said. “The weirdest thing keeps happening. I keep getting people I don’t know who tell me that I’m a blessing, when they have no idea about the work I put in to empower women.”

“Real recognize real,” she explained easily. “Folks who can’t accept themselves or don’t love themselves won’t have an easy time loving you because they see you don’t play those silly games that they have to play to get people to like them. You, you don’t care. Anyway, if a thousand Chinamen say they saw the same thing, it has to be true. If they say you are a blessing, they must be able to feel it.”

Regardless, I was talking to my cab driver this morning. He asked me not to sit behind him and I was like, “Man, I don’t feel like moving over.” And he said, “But I don’t feel comfortable with people sitting behind me.”

I could understand that, so I moved and we had a really cool convo as he drove me home. I told him about Google Plus and how awesome it is to meet talented people with such varied interests. He told me about how he hates the drama of facebook and doesn’t even go on there anymore.

“Facebook is on a decline,” I shared with him. “It’s like high school. When you’re in it, it’s fun but you have to grow up sometime.”

So this morning when I got home I made this sign. I think I’m going to make one everyday to depict how I’m feeling.

I’m so excited about the money I made last night. I asked my manager for a set schedule of days so I can plan my days off better. I don’t really care which days he gives me but my lack of sleep is affecting my work with the rotating shifts so it would be easier on me to know when I’m coming in. We’ll see if he does it. I’m going to become a part of the Occupy.Wall.Street movement, just as a sympathizer because I do not like all the anger and women being unsafe during those marches, I know that my ideas are smart enough to help in some way. I just need some stable days off from work so that I can plan to attend meetings.

Otherwise, Oh, I got my first product review request. Now I have to remember who it was that offered to do product reviews for my site so I can get their mailing address and have the products sent to them directly.

I got a donation last week for my project and that made me so happy! I rarely check my PO Box so that was a very nice surprise.

I have something to look forward to now. I’m saving for my car and it’s looking good. I’m going to ask the Older Man to come with me when I go buy it and I’m so excited because- that will be the last time I’ll need to call him for help. I wonder if we’ll have a relationship at all if I don’t need his help. He gives me rides when i need it, that’s how he helps me and I really appreciate it but I feel bad when I have to ask. The hard part is, he doesn’t want or need anything from me. I know he’ll be glad to not have me calling him for rides. He’ll be able to move on to helping other people.

That’s what he does. It’s like his second nature. He’s told me stories about how women reach out to him for help and he responds immediately. People are always asking him for help and he helps each time. So I guess that’s a good thing that I ran into him when I need help but luckily by next month, I’ll just be another person he USED to help.

I’m excited!

Oh. Good news.

I’m moving forward with my marketing plans for my next venture. I try to stay focused on this even though so many things are taking away my attention. When I’m feeling frustrated I just remind myself, “You are on a mission. This place you’re in is a bridge to get to where you want to go. This isn’t your resting place. Shrug it off.”

And I do.

Even if everyone around you is creating chaos and you’re tempted to be distracted by all the noise, you gotta remember that NOTHING IS PERMANENT and don’t allow people who feel they are stuck to make you feel like you are too.

I really hope one day, the words that I capture on this blog are studied by millions of people. I am truly capturing my process of “becoming” and I think it’s important to see how to handle certain situations that could drag you down if you let them. I hope lots of people read these words one day and understand that the people or circumstances around you don’t define you- YOU DEFINE YOU.

So I make mistakes and I may still but then I get back going again.

And I keep moving.

My New Spot


I don’t even know if words could describe how I feel right now.

Today is my first day at this address and it feels so weird but so FREEING.

For years I wrote at the other URL and then it became THE SPOT for people I would NEVER allow into my life to visit and learn all kinds of intimate details about me and my life. I used my blog as my outlet emotionally and I loved having it but then it became like I couldn’t write anything personal without a bunch of people I would NEVER, EVER tell my business to, reading it and being snarky with me.

So I’m relieved now. Blogging for me, at least this blog anyway, isn’t for the masses anymore. I have other blogs for that. Maybe I’ll stay at this URL or maybe I won’t. I may hop addresses across the web every month or so, just to stay fresh and private.

I feel so FREE from wandering eyes and people I know that I don’t WANT to know, reading my personal thoughts. I like to shut people out, and this is the perfect way.

I feel like I just took a deep breath of fresh air after beings stifled for so long.

I’m kinda giddy and wondering what’s gonna happen next in my life.

I’ll let you know.

Marketing Plans Again


I thought I was going to pass out I was so hungry!

I made myself some noodles and then ate some milk and cookies.

Anyway. I have to write out my plan of action so that it will make sense to me. I have a new marketing objective.

To get media coverage of my project on two different occasions.

1. One week to 3 days BEFORE the actual event date.
2. Coverage on the day OF the event to show the actual result.

Step 1

Compile a media list of all local media

Step 2

Write press release explaining the event.

step 3

Call each media outlet to pitch the event to reporters.

Step 4

Email each media outlet with my press release

Step 5

Follow up with phone calls to make sure each one has been received.

Man, that’s a LOT of work.

And my tooth still hurts. I need to get it pulled so badly.

And why do I feel funny about ppl circling me on Google Plus? I don’t really want a lot of followers. Ugh. I am so backwards. I am trying to expose myself to the world yet, I don’t really like a lot of people LOOKING at me all the time.

Anyway. I’m waiting for the 6am news to finish so I can start calling stations again.


Waiting and Waiting

It’s a good occasion in my house.

I just bought a new TV. I figure that I’ll give it to my boys when I have to leave so I bought a nice one. I’m hoping that my leaving won’t be about losing again but if it happens, I’ll handle it and move forward with a vengeance.

I have so many things I want to happen, but most importantly, to experience financial success so that I can spend more time with my sons.

I’m tired a lot but I do enjoy serving as a waitress. I’m just waiting to see what happens next.