2008 Year In Review

I stole this from Calinative who stole it from Julia. It’s a Year End Template. Try it.


I gained — tremendous insight into who I am and what I deserve.

I lost —my Second Life virginity. It was fun though!

I stopped —caring about what my Baby Daddy thinks of me or says about me.

I started — grad school & my own radio talk show.

I was hugely satisfied by — my first semester of school- STRAIGHT A’s! I’m a scholar!

And frustrated by — my inability to engage in a romantic relationship.

I am so embarrassed that I —had secks with a white dude who told all of his friends and completely ignored me afterwards. Never again!

Once again, I — was homeless and slept in my car and in this crack hotel for a month.

Once again, I did not — allow my circumstances to determine my love for myself.

The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is — I lost weight and I have an afro now.

The biggest psychological difference between me last December and this December is– I do not worry anymore.

I loved spending time — with my jits (sons).

Why did I spend even two minutes — wondering if I would do well in grad school?

I should have spent more time — writing.

I regret buying — nothing. I never regret spending money.

I will never regret buying —food— even though with that money I could have bought– gas.

I —masterbate— way too much.

I didn’t —relax–enough.

My desire to be perfect –drove me crazy.

Was — the presidential election— crazier than ever last year? Or was it me?

The most relaxing place I went was — Gainesville.

I feel so —nostalgic— when I write that down.

Why did I go to —Gainesville to see Steve? ~smh~

The best thing I did for someone else was — Sorry. I don’t tell what I do. I just do.

The best thing I did for myself was — step out on a limb and move out of my Mama’s house.

The best thing someone did for me was — give me a hug. Thanks Mimi!

The one thing I’d like to do again, but do it better, is — write another book.

2009 is going to be my BEST YEAR EVER- I can FEEL IT!